Agreement for Sole Custody: Everything You Need to Know
When it comes to child custody, parents can choose between two types of arrangements – joint custody and sole custody. In the latter, one parent is granted full responsibility for the child`s physical and legal custody. This means that the child primarily lives with this parent, and the other parent is granted visitation rights.
If you have decided to pursue sole custody, it is essential to create an agreement that outlines the terms and conditions that both parents must adhere to. This agreement must be comprehensive and cover all aspects of the child`s care, including education, healthcare, and living arrangements. Here are some important factors to consider when drafting a sole custody agreement.
1. Create a parenting plan: A parenting plan details how the custodial parent will care for the child. This plan must cover aspects such as the child`s daily routine, transportation, extracurricular activities, and emergency plans. As part of this plan, the non-custodial parent may be granted visitation rights, which is the time they spend with the child.
2. Outline financial obligations: The custodial parent is primarily responsible for the child`s financial needs, which includes healthcare, education, and day-to-day expenses. However, the non-custodial parent must also contribute financially. The agreement must outline how much child support the non-custodial parent must pay, how often, and where the payments should be made.
3. Determine decision-making authority: In sole custody arrangements, the custodial parent makes all decisions on behalf of the child. However, some decisions may require joint input from both parents, such as medical decisions and schooling. The agreement must outline which decisions the custodial parent can make independently and which will require input from the non-custodial parent.
4. Include dispute resolution provisions: Even the most detailed custody agreements can lead to disagreements between parents. Including dispute resolution provisions can help avoid costly legal battles in the future. The agreement must outline how disputes will be resolved, such as mediation or arbitration.
In conclusion, creating an agreement for sole custody requires careful consideration and a focus on the child`s best interests. Both parents must be willing to cooperate and abide by the terms outlined in the agreement. By creating a comprehensive agreement, you can help minimize conflict and provide stability for your child.