Subject-verb agreement is one of the most important aspects of grammar that every writer should be familiar with. Proper subject-verb agreement enhances the readability of a text and makes it easy for readers to understand what the writer is trying to say. In this article, we will discuss the material subject and verb agreement and how to ensure that your writing is grammatically correct.

First, let`s define what subject-verb agreement is. Subject-verb agreement refers to the relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence. The subject is typically the noun or pronoun that performs the action of the verb. The verb, on the other hand, is the action word in the sentence. Subject-verb agreement occurs when the subject agrees with the verb in number, tense, and person.

When it comes to subject-verb agreement, a common mistake many writers make is the improper use of singular and plural nouns with their respective verbs. Here are some examples:

Incorrect: The group of students are studying for their exams.

Correct: The group of students is studying for their exams.

Incorrect: The team of athletes have won their game.

Correct: The team of athletes has won their game.

In the first example, the noun “group” is singular, which means the verb should also be singular. In the second example, “team” is a collective noun, which means it should also be singular and not plural. This rule also applies to other collective nouns such as “family,” “jury,” and “audience,” among others.

Another area where writers make mistakes with subject-verb agreement is with the use of compound subjects. Compound subjects are two or more nouns or pronouns that act as the subject in a sentence. Here`s an example:

Incorrect: Tom and Jerry is going to the party.

Correct: Tom and Jerry are going to the party.

In this example, “Tom and Jerry” is the compound subject. The verb “is” is incorrect because it`s singular, while the subject is plural. The correct verb is “are,” which agrees with the plural subject.

Lastly, it`s important to pay attention to the tense of your verbs when writing. The tense of the verb must agree with the tense of the subject in the sentence. For example:

Incorrect: She drinks coffee every morning.

Correct: She drinks coffee every morning.

In this example, “drinks” is in the present tense, which agrees with the subject “she.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential element of good writing. By following the rules of subject-verb agreement, you can ensure that your text is grammatically correct, clear, and easy to read. Remember to pay attention to the number, tense, and person of your subjects and verbs to avoid making common errors. When in doubt, review your work carefully or consult a grammar guide like our AI-powered writing assistant to make sure your writing is error-free.

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