Need the Job but Overqualified? How to Get it Anyway.
Posted by Joyce K Reynolds in General, Need a Job, tags: Need a JobWall Street Journal blogger Alina Dizik reports, “For many employers, presenting a resume with too much experience can cost you the job. To get your foot in the door, it’s important to present a streamlined resume to potential employers. When constructing a resume, job seekers should “consider reducing emphasis on or eliminating impressive achievements which might be viewed as outside the needs of the current job, along with removing more high-level awards and recognitions,” Joyce K. Reynolds, an Executive Business Coach, says. Here, Ms. Reynolds shares advice on how job seekers can streamline their resume.”
Read the full article: http://blogs.wsj.com/laidoff/2010/01/11/advice-overqualified-simplifying-your-resume-to-land-the-job/