Archive for the “Radio” Category

Every Thursday at 3:45 p.m. you’ll want to tune in for smart talk on today’s hottest business and personal issues with Expert Business Coach Joyce K. Reynolds. Set your radio dial today.


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It’s been several years since I’ve been regularly on radio. I missed it.  Making the connection with a broadcast audience.  Tackling the issues of the day.  Offering solutions.

So – I’m thrilled to be back with Liz Sterling every Thursday at 3:45 inside her show, Sterling Spin Radio.

Listen live on or check the Archives on

Send your comments, issues, desires to me at and help us keep the show meaningful and current.

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September 23, 2010.  3-4 p.m. Thursday-Saturday.

Save the date so you can tune in to WWNN 1470 AM radio in South Florida to welcome Liz Sterling and me back on the air.

Our Mission:  To be a preeminent broadcast and media source delivering  smart, quality, upbeat programming on a wide variety of current topics. To stimulate listeners to become innovative, passionate and encouraged by presenting alternative ways of understanding our changing world.

Our Vision:  To assist listeners to live more well-informed, happier, healtier lives by providing expert, business and personal commentary resulting in increased accountability, greater community awareness and innovative enterprise.

I’m in the delicious phase of creating my weekly segment so stay tuned.  More to follow.

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